Brands today are using an increasingly strong and ever-growing live video marketing strategy to expand their visibility and surpass their competition. According to recent studies, 80% of brands use video marketing today.

The content that is transmitted through this marketing strategy reaches newer and older generations of users in a quick and efficient manner. Current social media platforms along with new ways of transmitting messages have assisted companies to better produce and take advantage of their digital resources.

Live video is the simplest and most direct way of transmitting a message today to a media audience, hence the importance of a good strategy in this area.

Benefits of live video marketing

One of the most important aspects of video marketing is that it allows you to connect with your target audience instantly and in a real way, promoting the engagement of your brand.

The use of this strategy brings many benefits to your business in social networks. Among them, you can find factors such as reach and visibility as well as other benefits including:

●       3 more retweets and responses for tweets and social media posts that have videos than those that don’t.

●       Some studies claiming that 65% of people who see a video on social media about a product or service ending up purchasing it.

●       More than 88% of people saying that watching a video of a product positively affects their decision to buy a product or purchase a service.

Live video marketing: a trend in 2021

Most of the studies that talk about video marketing come to the conclusion that it will continue to grow throughout 2021. According to The State of Online Video 2018, in 2018, 6.25 hours of videos were consumed in the world per week per person – an hour more on average than the previous year.

This data speaks for itself and indicates that in a single year, on average, one hour of content is increased by people on social networks.

Other trends in video marketing in the world include the following:

●       53% of people want to know more or receive more videos from the people or brands they follow on social networks.

●       88% of the people who use the Internet in the United States, in other words hundreds of millions of people, have watched video content on the networks of their mobile devices.

●       87% of the people who are part of the marketing teams of companies use this tool in their strategies.

●       80% of people are happy with the results of their videos in terms of ROI on social media.

●       Users spend more time on web pages with video content than on web sites where there is none.

●       95% of people are more receptive to using a call to action when watching a video than using a still image.

Video marketing platforms to consider

Within the live video marketing sector there are some platforms that are very well positioned with respect to the rest and the competition. Twitch, Instagram and Tik Tok are among the platforms that take the forefront among the most used today.

1. Twitch

This social network is mainly based on video games and has been in the trends for all of this last year. Although most of it deals with content related to gamers, it has also been used for other purposes such as fashion, sports or music.

In real numbers, the Twitch platform took 66% of the total streaming industry market in 2020. This being the compelling reason many companies have been interested in this platform to upload their content.

Twitch has turned out to be an ideal place for those who want to monetize their content in some way and take advantage of the social network. According to studies by Amazon’s own platform, 70% of users offer a form of monetary support to their favorite streamers or influencers.

The target audience on this platform is a very young one, ranging from approximately 10 to 26 years of age. These individuals are looking for entertainment, making this social network a place where specific, fresh and dynamic strategies must be taken into account to attract the attention of this young audience.

Something to keep in mind about Twitch is that the platform’s algorithm does not greatly favor new streamers or new channels, so working with established influencers is the best option.

Streamers: Twitch Heroes

Famous streamers are the heroes or influencers of Twitch; therefore, working with them is the best decision for generating immense results in terms of marketing. Brands take advantage of the visibility and reach that certain streamers have in order to reach a greater audience and ultimately boost their sales.

Companies play with the different abilities of streamers and promotions that are applied such as discounts on food, depending on how well a streamer transits in a video game.

2. Tik Tok

The company of Chinese origin, Tik Tok, has suffered some setbacks in countries like the United States, but as for the rest of the world, has had exponential growth in becoming one of the favorites of people on social networks.

This platform offers the possibility of recording short videos with many viewing and customization options. Unlike Twitch, Tik Tok offers greater reach to different brands and encourages the discovery of new products or services in a section reffered to as the “For you” page.

The Chinese application does not have alerts for live marketing videos, so much of its content could go unnoticed if it is not a channel that is followed regularly.

To publish content on this platform, you must have content based on entertainment. Having an unconventional approach to products to be promoted is vital. The audience will be able to get to know and get closer to the products or services that the streamer is promoting in an original and unique way.

Another way to benefit from live streams on the Tik Tok platform is through interaction during live videos. There is the possibility of making donations during the transmission of live shows. The only difference is that it cannot be done with real currencies, but with the internal Tik Tok system of virtual currency.

These coins can then be exchanged for discounts on the same platform to send gifts and promotions. The big difference between Twitch and Tik Tok is that in Tik Tok the donation does not show automatically as it does in Twitch.

Another relevant factor to take into consideration is that an individual must have at least 1000 followers in their application in order to make live interactions. Making the brand known in the application is the first big task if you want to make use of this marketing strategy. Once that number is reached, it’s easier to continue increasing it thanks to Tik Tok’s algorithm.

3. Instagram

Instagram is one of the favorite platforms for companies and influencers to broadcast their live streams and promote products or services. Due to its importance and ease of use, it has long been used by companies for their live video marketing campaigns.

Questions and answers have become one of the most used options by influencers in their broadcasts since they facilitate interaction with their followers in an orderly way. Content creators leave these content boxes for users to ask questions that will be answered as the video progresses.

Content creators will be able to choose which questions they want to answer. Another option is double live broadcasts, where influencers invite other indicuduals to chat directly on a particular topic. A notification is sent to each follower once each said conversation is taking place.

To take full advantage of this functionality, it’s important to have well-known instagramers who move large masses of followers and also have the same values ​​as the brand or product they are promoting.

In short, live video marketing is a strategy that cannot be missed since it adapts to different trends and markets. There are educational, instructional, interactive videos and campaigns, all very useful for connecting with the brand community.

If you want to know how to get the best out of your marketing strategies, we at Q AD Group can help you in generating appropriate branded content strategies to achieve the best results in terms of your live video marketing strategies.

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