If you are interested in attracting new potential customers, then you are going to need several B2B inbound marketing strategies. The idea is that you can work with a variety of techniques that allow you to reach your prospects, the goal you are aiming for, naturally. Keep in mind that these are companies just like yours, so you should use a language that is at a more professional level. It’s different when working with B2C (Business to Consumer) marketing, since in that case, you are targeting final consumers. Inbound B2B marketing allows you to get the most out of digital channels through which you can constantly generate leads. For this reason, it’s extrememly important that you are clear about the strategies that you are going to apply to get positive results and new opportunities for business. Below are 5 strategies that may be useful for you: 1.- Align your marketing and sales teams The first thing you should do before you start looking to attract your B2B prospects is focus on the internal structure of your company. To do this, you will need to get your marketing and sales teams aligned in order to simplify processes and communication. This will create a consistent, two-way workflow. Suppose that the sales team is in charge of supplying the key information for the ideal customer and their requirements during their buying journey. The marketing team creates different content offerings to solve their doubts or concerns, ultimately educating them to a point of a made decision. The content generated by the marketing group will help the sales team build a good relationship with prospects. In addition, it will generate interest and even allow them to handle some sales objections that will translate into higher profits. 2.- Know your customers Some do not achieve success when working with Inbound B2B marketing because they forget a determining factor: knowing the customer. In fact, it may be one of the most important, since this is what gives you the possibility of having successful relationships with the prospects you need. Why is it so relevant to know so much about your customers? First, because it allows you to solve their problems, offering them exactly what they need. Secondly, because the cost of retention efforts is much cheaper than that of acquiring new customers. To achieve this, you will need to follow three fundamental tips: Search into the needs they have. By knowing their industry and their pain points, you will better understand what they are looking for before they say it. Learn how to market to customers the way they want to market. Keep in mind that this will change, since it depends on each client. You have to supply value and then go on sale. Listen to customer experiences, because in them you can find many answers and ideas. These can help you optimize your B2B Inbound marketing strategy for both loyal and potential customers. 3.- Take advantage of conversational marketing and chatbots It’s no longer about convincing customers through persuasion, but about helping them solve their problems and meet their needs. Interested prospects hope that you can solve any of the doubts they have in relation to what you offer. The communication you have with users is important, which translates into a conversational marketing strategy. This method focuses on allowing people to easily access communication channels with the company, regardless of the industry. Companies want to be heard and understood to finally receive your help. Talking about conversational marketing and not relating it to chatbots wouldn’t make sense. Nowadays, people have greater demands and prefer quick and precise answers to their questions. Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, these softwares are becoming more and more useful and customizable. Although users know that these are chatbots and not real people, they still feel comfortable and cared for. These often help you in a number of ways, such as narrowing down a visitor’s focus and guiding them through their individual shopper’s journey. 4.- Bet on customization Working with tools that give you the ability to track and display the most relevant content allows you to have greater precision. This means that you can give a personal touch that makes each of the B2B clients feel special. It doesn’t matter if you are working your B2B Inbound marketing strategy with automation tools, the fundamental thing is that you customize it. This is the next step in conversational marketing, it goes beyond including the name – you can rely on their preferences. The idea is that you are able to respond to their needs. Using retargeting ads is also an excellent option in this case, since they follow an audience that has visited your site. It’s a way of making your existence known and reminding them that it’s there, which will also help you to attract new prospects. 5.- Use video marketing More and more users consume a greater amount of content in audiovisual format. They can be creative videos, lives, virtual events or meetings. This is because this is one of the best ways to connect emotionally with people, generating interest, engagement and conversations. This is a clear sign that you should start to exploit the full potential that video marketing has to offer. Currently, people come across these materials in places they did not exist before. They are now found in emails, social media, blog posts, presentations, reviews, landing pages, and more. The key is that you continue to increase the creation of content in audiovisual format, since the audience demands it. Take into account making videos adjusted to the current pace of life, which is quite busy. This will also depend on the topic you are dealing with. As you can see, the techniques that you must apply to be successful are not that complicated, you just have to know how to work them. It’s about learning to use them individually so that you can later complement one with the other resukting in a solid